Kusinera Sa America - my 1st post

22 November 2006 3 comments

Wow, my first post. I already have another blog but I want one where I can devote an entire blog to the kitchen, food and all the things that's linked to it.

What led to this? Well, I have a couple of ideas for my other blog and it had to do with food. I made Ukoy last week and thought "Why don't I share the recipe with my friends?". So off I went to get my camera. Feeling photographer pa talaga ako, I arranged the Ukoy in a nice platter complete with vinegar. I took a couple of pics and looked at it. Hmm, good enough to eat, nakakagutom kung baga. Then yesterday, I made Empanadas, took some pics again for another blog post. But then, I had an idea. Why not make another blog entirely for food. I must admit, I'm a fan of MarketMan who maintains the popular blog Market Manila. He's an inspiration kaya here it is, the very first post of my food blog. I won't say that it'll be as good as Market Manila, not even close, but good enough for little ol' me. LOL

So why the name "Kusinera sa Amerika"? I don't know. LOL I wanted a blog name that would capture the essence of what my blog is all about. It's that simple. I enjoy cooking and like to try new recipes. I've had a lot of mishaps when I was just starting to learn how to cook but fortunately those are few and far in between now. After 28 years of cooking and baking, I can at least proudly proclaim that I'm a good cook.

I do hope you enjoy my food blog. Comments, criticisms and whatnot are welcome.